The Dark Side of Existence: Understanding the Link Between Existential Anxiety & Doomerism

The Dark Side of Existence: Understanding the Link Between Existential Anxiety & Doomerism

Welcome to the dark side of existence. A place where the void of meaning and purpose is ever-present and the weight of the world’s problems feels suffocating. In this article, we'll dive into the depths of existential anxiety and doomerism — two closely related concepts plaguing humankind for centuries — and how they shape our understanding of the world. We'll explore the origins of doomerism and some strategies for coping with its side effects in this unflinching look at this dystopian philosophy.

What Is Existential Anxiety?

Existential anxiety is the overwhelming dread, confusion, and despair that comes from contemplating the meaning and purpose of one’s existence. It’s the nagging feeling that there must be more to life than what we’re currently experiencing, coupled with the fear that we’ll never find it. Others describe it as the sense that life is meaningless and that we’re just going through the motions, existing in a world that doesn’t make sense. Existential anxiety can also encompass the fear of death and the realization that we’re all going to die and that our time on this earth is limited and, ultimately, insignificant.

Although existential anxiety can be a source of emotional distress, it’s not considered a mental health disorder in and of itself. It’s a normal and natural human experience that arises from the awareness of one’s own existence and the human condition. With that said, if you’re finding it challenging to shake off these feelings and it’s causing significant distress in your life, it might be time to visit a professional. Constant feelings of dread or worry could signify generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), major depressive disorder (MDD), or other mental health conditions.

What Is Doomerism?

Doomerism is a worldview that believes the world is heading toward catastrophic collapse, often attributed to climate change, overpopulation, economic inequality, political corruption, or destructive advancements in technology. But doomerism isn’t just a pessimistic outlook on life; it’s a full-blown belief that the end is near and there’s nothing we can do about it. And that kind of attitude can be dangerous. It can lead to feelings of hopelessness, despair, and helplessness, which can contribute to depression and anxiety.

And let’s not forget about the isolation that comes with it. As people may avoid social interactions and connections with others, believing that the world is headed towards inescapable doom, they may see no point in investing in relationships. Doomerism and existential anxiety are related because both involve a sense of unease or uncertainty about the future, but they are distinct concepts. While doomerism can be considered a form of existential anxiety that has developed into a subculture, existential anxiety is a more general term that refers to the human experience of struggling to find meaning in life and dealing with the inherent uncertainty of existence.

Doomerism In Popular Culture

The feeling that life is meaningless or that the world is making a turn for the worst isn’t a new concept by any means. These philosophical issues have existed since the beginning of recorded history, but the rise of doomerism in popular culture has brought these concerns to the forefront of public consciousness. Popular culture is a mirror that reflects the anxieties and concerns of society back at us. Take, for example, the current state of the world, with issues like climate change, political turmoil, and economic instability on the rise. Popular culture is beginning to...

1. The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

2. Interstellar (2014)

3. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

4. Joker (2019)

5. Other Examples of Doomer Movies

How To Tell If You’re Experiencing An Existential Crisis


Coping With Existential Anxiety With Philosophy


Søren Kierkegaard

Jean-Paul Sartre

Friedrich Nietzsche

Martin Heidegger

Psychedelics & Existential Anxiety


Strategies for Managing Existential Anxiety & Doomerism


The Takeaway: What Is Existential Anxiety & Doomerism?


Doomerism FAQs

1. What’s the Difference Between Pessimism & Doomerism?

2. What’s the Difference Between Doomerism & Existential Anxiety?

3. Can Someone Experience Doomerism & Existential Anxiety At the Same Time?

4. What Are Some Examples of Things Doomers Believe Will Lead to Societal Collapse?

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