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Organic Wine Cap Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe

Organic Wine Cap Mushroom Liquid Culture Syringe

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Wine Cap (Stropharia rugosoannulata) is a delicious mushroom with a mild, earthy, and nutty flavor (some even describe the flavor as a cross between artichokes and potatoes.) It is an ideal mushroom for beginners as it colonizes quickly and yields reliable flushes. Wine Caps are also good for commercial cultivation grown on straw or wood chips.

 Our liquid culture syringes are ~10ml and come sealed in a plastic sleeve with a sterile 16 gauge needle and alcohol wipe.

About liquid culture:

Liquid culture is mycelium suspended in a nutrient-rich medium. Syringes are beginner-friendly and ideal for those looking for an easy way to inoculate grain bags and jars. 

Using liquid culture:

For best results, refrigerate upon receipt. Syringes should be inserted into a self-healing injection port. Always handle using sterile technique and shake thoroughly before use. We recommended inoculation in either a still air box or flow hood to reduce the possibility of contamination. If you plan to re-use your needle, sterilize before and after each subsequent use.

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